Wednesday, March 21, 2012

It Shows!

I have been on a journey for several years - a journey to get closer to God. I have succeeded which makes me very happy and even more blessed. He has been so faithful (even when I have not been) and his blessings are overwhelming. Since I began this journey here are just a few things that He has been with me through :

The death of my mom
The death of my dad, 1o months after my mom
The closing of my church
The search for a new church
Foreclosure proceedings on our home
Carpel tunnel surgery
Theft of my car
Raising 2 teens

There has been much more, but every time I face a challenge, he is there. I know this but I was not really aware that (unless you actually read this blog) that my relationship with him really showed. I want it to, but I really didn't know how. But even not knowing how, I have managed to do it.

I was at Curves and there were just a few other people. One of the ladies that was working there was talking to her co-worker who she knew well. I was working out. She said that normally that she wouldn't ask but she knew that I was a strong Christian. She asked for a prayer request for her sister in law who was very sick. Of course I was glad to pray for her. I was even more pleased though that someone who I do not know that well, someone who I have never made a point to speak about my faith to, knew that I belonged to him! Praise the Lord!

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